Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast

5 Ways to slow down during Christmas

What in the world is all the hurry for? It seems people are running 100 miles per hour in every direction. Almost every day as I drive to and from work, I see people racing down the road like their house is on fire or something. We have all heard “race to the red light”! I mean people get irritated when the car in front of them turns on their turn signal knowing they are going to have to slow down and let them turn. They usually whip around them in disgust that they were slowed down. Some are constantly changing lanes back and forth trying to find the fastest lane. It’s unbelievable today.
Everything is all about speed and fast now days. At theme parks now you can buy your way to fast with a “fast pass”. With that you get to enjoy a shorter line. We used to call that cutting in line, now you buy your way to cut in line. Internet speeds are ridiculous fast compared to 5 years ago. I remember dial-up internet with speeds not even at one mbps speed yet. Now, the slowest speed is around 30 mbps download and is lightning fast. The average speed is now around 100 mbps and is incredibly fast. 

Day after day and year after year, we humans run faster and faster. We never slow down and continually seek ways to speed up everything we do. We get irritated when there are more than 5 cars at the red light and we may not get through the first light. We complain at slow service where we shop when in reality it was not really slow at all. We race to the red light driving and when we are in a drive-thru window we can’t understand what is taking so long and we ream out the person serving us at the window. 

Is it any wonder that we constantly ask the question where our day went! We blink and we are on the way home from work already and can’t figure out what happened. We over plan our calendars, we race around all day at work, we fill up our weekends, and we can’t say no to anything people ask of us. We race to church because we woke up late or had a dozen things to do before church then after we race to our favorite restaurant to get there before the crowd does and then we complain because the service was slow and we wonder why we are so irritated and frustrated all the time?

So, am I advocating the Mayberry philosophy for life? No, not really although that would not be a bad thing. I am not against speed. In fact, I drive a BMW sports car with engine modifications on a four cylinder that can produce up to 250 horsepower. You want speed, I got it! But, I don’t drive like a maniac in town and run people off the road in a hurry. I actually like driving the speed limit or under and take my time when driving most the time. However, get me on a back road and I’ll push it up to 100 mph or more for some fun! 

I just believe we are driving our lives up to unsafe speeds. What I mean by that is going so fast all the time, will eventually burn us out or wear us out. Let me explain with an illustration about my wife’s grand dad, Merle. Merle lived in the foot hills of the Shawnee Mountains in Illinois on about 10 acres. He was a real cowboy working hard every day, but at a pace much slower that we know or are used to today. Merle, took his time and enjoyed the things around him. He never missed a thing and knew what was going on all around him. This happened after grandma passed away and Merle lived alone. We were staying with Merle for a visit and that morning I was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee with Merle. You see, Merle was an early riser but then sat around and drank his coffee then cooking some breakfast. He was not in any hurry either. It was getting later in the morning and Merle was just sitting and talking and telling stories. I didn’t think we were ever going to get breakfast. My wife decided to go get her shower out of the way since Merle was slow getting started. A short time later my wife walks in the kitchen, in a bath robe, with a towel around her head and told Merle that the shower stopped working right in the middle of it. He turned around and gave a little chuckle at how his granddaughter looked, then stated that the dad-blasted belt on the pump either broke or came off again. He then turned around and started drinking his coffee like nothing had happened. After a few minutes she asked him if he could please fix the pump that she would like to finish her shower; if it wasn’t too much to ask. Merle said no problem he would be there shortly and seemed to be in no hurry to fix the pump. Finally after another few minutes, my wife already irritated, Merle goes to fix the pump for her. I was always amazed at what Merle would accomplish in a days’ time. We just were not used that slow of a pace in life but Merle lived it every day. He enjoyed life slowly!

The point is, Merle was in no hurry and was on his own time schedule. We city folks coming in and wanting our shower in a hurry wasn’t going to work for him. All the years I knew Merle, I noticed he was never in a hurry, yet accomplished a lot of work. He stopped and talked to people along the way and helped people all the time. He was known all over the county where he was loved for just being a great all-around cowboy. Did you catch that! Merle lived a slow life yet accomplished a lot of work. Today, we think speed is better and that we will accomplish more. Yet, in the long-haul is that really the truth?

I realize that during the Apostle Paul’s life there was no technology nor modern day inventions or in Jesus’s lifetime for that matter. But, look at what Paul accomplished in his journeys to spread the Gospel. Through Paul’s journeys he was able to meet hundreds of people and to share about Jesus that would change their life. He was patient, kind, and persistent in his travels. I have heard this many times that to accomplish great things you don’t have to work harder but smarter. I believe that to be true to some extent. Paul was smart in how he spread the Gospel and thought through his plans. The only way to work smarter is to slow down and think more. 

In our day and time, I believe we miss opportunities to help others, to serve others, to meet others, to know others, and to even witness to others. Why? Because we are just going to fast! Christmas is one of the fastest times in our year. There is so much to do; shopping, hanging outside lights, entertaining relatives, getting the house ready, more shopping, Christmas parties, more shopping, and you can see people are just rushing around like crazy. Allow to me to give you 5 ways to slow down this Christmas season and enjoy your surroundings so much more.

Talk to people - as you are going, stop and talk to people. When you are shopping at the store, take a few minutes to talk to the clerk or people standing in line. You never know who you will lift up and encourage during a busy time just by making the effort to visit with them along the way.

Be aware – look around you and be aware of what is going on. Don’t be so focused that you miss opportunities around you so serve and help others in need. Maybe there is a super long line at the store and by the time you get to check out the clerk is frustrated. A quick thank you and how is your day going with some encouragement would make their day.

Don’t over plan – you are in control over your calendar and are responsible for it filling up so full. Watch it closely and be open to saying no to extra events that will rob you of valuable time during Christmas.

Be intentional – Christmas is a celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Make it that way for you and your family and carry that over to others as you go. Don’t get so caught up in how others take Christ out of Christmas; just make sure you put Him back in it wherever you go.

Prioritize – spend your time on what is important to you and your family this Christmas season. Make a plan and include in that plan time to slow down and enjoy life. 

If you think about, Jesus did all of these 5 things during his time here on earth. Jesus was always talking to others; he was always aware of his surrounding and what was going in with people; his plan was simple; he was intentional in doing the work his Father and not what others wanted or expected him to do; and he knew what his #1 priority was, dying on the cross for our sins that we may be forgiven and made holy. 

I hope and pray you use these 5 ways to slow down and apply this Christmas season and see what a huge difference it makes in your life. Don’t stop there! Start the New Year out by continuing to slow down and live life as God would have you to.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Why is church so hot?

My home ac unit runs all day and almost all night now with outside temps in the 100+ range. I fret my electric bill this month knowing it will be really higher than normal. This Texas heat is a scorcher alright! I have already had to call my ac repair guy to check my system since it does not want to cut off and won't cool my house like it used to. His prognosis..."when it's 104 outside many units just cant keep up with the heat exchange and can't cool all the way."

What happens is the ac unit is working overtime to cool in this Texas heat and that takes a toll on your system. Fans and blowers run constantly and all the moving parts are working harder. That's why so many units fail in the summer, the worst time possible for the consumer. It's no different in a commercial building. However, commercial units are so much larger in size and capacity and have so many more moving parts that they too are a challenge to cool in extreme heat.

Our church is 200,000sf + of old buildings with antiquated systems that are not as efficient as new units today. In addition, old buildings are not insulated like today's buildings. Plus, large spaces take longer to cool and may have multiple units cooling the same room. That all adds up to a huge challenge to keep everything running and cooling properly. In our church you don't just walk up to the thermostat and add cooling, there is another component running the system. 

The word I use for our HVAC systems is quirky! strange, weird, out of the ordinary, not usual, peculiar, odd. At CABC, there are no air vents in the hallways or restrooms and most light switches are behind the door. Really?

Another big challenge is control. We have spaces that have multiple triggers to even start the cooling. For example, to turn on the air or heat in the sanctuary there are multiple thermostats on the wall in the room for each unit, a timer on the third floor, and a water flow control box on the third floor with breakers for each unit somewhere and a power disconnect on the roof next to the unit. On the third floor there is a block of rooms where the thermostat is located on the fourth floor in a classroom. For the Fellowship Hall the chiller control stat that sends water for that area is located on the fourth floor in a closet. Go figure!

The other huge challenge is knowing what unit services what room or rooms, where the thermostat is located, and where the blower is located. One unit can run a block of rooms or just a single room but knowing what runs what is crucial in pinpointing the unit to check.

In March 2015, CABC met with a Christian company that is dedicated to saving churches money on energy in order to put the savings back into ministry. The company is called Ideal Impact and after presenting the plan to the Building and Grounds Committee, we contracted with them for the next four years. Within the last 4 months, they have provided us with a complete set of zoning maps for each unit, replaced all the thermostats with WI-FI stats, and gave us a complete listing of each unit and its size and description. That is just the beginning!

The key is control. In the past we have not been able to adequately control what we have nor did we know what unit ran what room. We had an idea but nothing documented. As of today we have 25 of the 37 stats on wi-fi for us to control remotely if needed.

The second key is scheduling. A few months ago we added new software for our calendaring and room reservations that will allow us to import a calendar into another software that will tell us what stat to schedule and when. That is a huge deal in energy saving! When this system is fully functional, we will be able to schedule all our events, import them to Ideal Scheduler, then schedule the HVAC via the internet. In three quick steps we will have better control!

Where are we today and what are we doing to fix the problem?
In the middle of this exciting transition, we discovered HVAC units that did not work or did not work properly and we have been repairing or replacing these units. To complicate things, this project was in the works when the heat kicked in and temps are in the hundreds outside. As stated before, all the units are working overtime and many have failed. We are still in training and coaching with the new thermostat scheduling learning the new system and procedures. We should complete that by the middle of September. We are still repairing and replacing units that have issues as fast as we can get the vendors scheduled.

Will this fix all our HVAC problems?
No. Many units called fan/coil units that are in classrooms along the base of the wall are discontinued and we cant find parts for them and they are very expensive to replace. We can't change the zoning of our current system so some areas get lots of cooling and some get little. We are using all our available resources to be the best we can with what we have now.

Thank you so much for your patience and support as we transition to these new systems of control and save energy.


Friday, July 31, 2015

If I Didn't Own A MINI

I purchased my first 04 MINI Cooper in 2009 and the adventure started right away. It never occurred to me that when I bought that MINI, I was not just buying a sports car but I was joining a family. I soon discovered that MINI owners are not just car owners, but extended family. MINI owners stick together like glue. I purchased a second 08 MINI Cooper S and now found myself with two MINI Coopers sitting in the driveway. I was so attached to my first one, I found it hard to sell. I eventually sold her but still had the 08 Cooper S with JCW modifications. The MINI family adventure started with the first one though. MINI's have names and my first was Stella and now Badboy.

So, I was thinking today, what if I didn't own a MINI! What if I never would have bought one! What would I have missed out on over the years? Who would I have never of met? What places would I have never traveled to? What would I have missed out on? Not much you may be thinking, its just a car! Guess again.

If I didn't own a MINI I would have:

  • never started a Heart of Texas Mini Cooper Car Club that grew to 100 members
  • missed out on meeting dozens of friends from that club
  • never eaten at dozens of places that I never even knew existed before
  • known there is an all back road route from Waco to Salado, Tx
  • never driven the Waco Run 
  • never would have even known there is a rally of over 600 MINI's at the same time called MINI's On The Dragon 
  • missed driving through the Appalachian and Smokey Mountains
  • missed driving 18 hours to the rally with my best friend David Sens from 5th grade
  • never made a trip to Eureka Springs with my wife to meet other MINI owners
  • would have never met all the Metroplex MINI peeps that are now dear friends 
  • would have never met Mike and Donna Smith from Nashville that have been our Dragon rally roommates for three years in a row now and are dear friends
  • never of experienced my best friend David buy his first MINI 
  • never found Badboy if were not for Christie Goldston and David Sens
  • never would have have met Garland and Melissa Stone, Barbeque Master  and MINI owner
  • would be $500 richer if it weren't for Mike Smith and Garland Stone making me buy a Stage 1 Tuning at the Dragon
  • would have never known about the Austin MINI Cooper Club and all those great friends now
  •  missed the MINI caravans to the Dragon meeting more dear friends
  • never would have met Jim and Lea Ann Weisbruch
  • never would have met Christie Goldston
  • never would have met Rick and Melinda Mahaffey
  • never would have met Jeff and Julie Henderson
  • never would have met Tara Clawson, and the list goes on and on
  • never would have known you can modify a MINI for speed and performance
  • missed scaring my wife driving the Dragon like a maniac
  • missed driving to Charlotte, NC and the gorgeous mountains there
  • missed going to a Dragon Museum that my wife found in Knoxville, Tn
  • missed eating at the Good Dog in Knoxville, Tn
  • missed driving 11 miles of mountain roads with 318 curve
  • never driven the Pig Trail in Arkansas
  • missed Bridal Vail Falls incredible beauty
  • never met Glenda Jensen a dear friend
  • never would have discovered Zaino Show Car Finish
  • never bought a Geek Bag for all my detailing supplies
  • never been in the Circle of Love
  • missed waiting my wife Becky making me and David matching MINI sleep pants
  • missed David walking down the street in MINI sleep pants at the dragon
  • never made all those MINI Logo shorts we wear
  • never would have made my MINI patch jacket that makes me look so cool 
  • not have hundreds of pictures from all our MINI adventure to look through
So, you can certainly get my point. I cant list it all but if I had not bought a MINI and joined the  MINI family, I would have missed so much life, fun, fellowship, driving, eating, driving fast, twistie back roads driving, and making new friends from all over the USA. I would have missed making friends from all walks of life.

I owe it all to my wife who found our first MINI and talked me into buying her.  We have had SOME GREAT adventures driving Stella and Badboy for so many years. God has certainly blessed me with special gifts along this adventure. I don't regret a day of it!

Are you a MINI owner? 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Six Types of People You Really Need

A few years ago I purchased a GoPro HD camera and started a new adventure in the world of videography. I remember the day it arrived in the mail; I was a little disappointed in the size of the camera. It was so small yet touted awesome HD videos in all the promotions I saw. Then came the accessory period. This camera came with nothing that you have to have except the camera itself. So, along the way in my adventure I have added a view finder, wi-fi remote, extra battery, and a wrist remote. All of which need charging all the time. I take this camera and all my accessories on trips to capture white water rafting, zip lining, and MINI Cooper drives. It does not take long before something needs charging in my array of add on parts. I quickly got a bad reputation with my family and friends of all I do is charge my camera and accessories and really never get any of those great videos. I would rather be fully charged and taking great fun videos.

I love all the new tech stuff now days but do not enjoy all the charging that it all needs. I even have a 6 port USB charging station in my home that we use for all the tech stuff that needs charging. It looks pretty impressive too! Our technology is not the only things that need charging. I learned a long time ago that people need charging and re-charging. The area I am referring to is relational refueling. We don’t always think of that type of refueling. Obviously if you don’t refuel your vehicle, it eventually stops. If you don’t refuel your tech stuff, it eventually stops working. People are no different!
I have figured out that there are at least six types of people you really need around you to keep you going. There are many stages or times in your life where a friend can help refuel you and get you going again. In each of these areas you need to know someone that lifts you up. Here is my list 

  • Fun people – for the times when you get so busy you can’t see straight. When your schedule is crammed and so full that you forget to enjoy life. Find this person and have a little fun together. Recharges me every time! Fun people will make you laugh and that is so therapeutic.

  • Prayer warriors– these are the ones that even if you just call them, they would pray for you over the phone in a heartbeat. Share your life needs with a warrior and they are praying endlessly for you.

  • Mentor – you have to be a lifelong learner and a mentor does just that for you. Always there for advice or just a sounding board for you. Mentors teach through love and can teach you about yourself that no one else can do. A mentor is open and honest and will tell you straight out how to respond to a situation you may be feeling.

  • Family – are all important and will love you unconditionally. They know you and understand you more than anyone in most cases.

  •  Successful People – these people I ask how they did it or what it’s like to be successful. In my business world I need to be around successful people now and then to show me I can do it too.

  • Encouragers - invaluable in a friendship. Encouragers will lift you back up and get you going quickly. They are positive and focus on the good in everything. They complement and make you feel great when down emotionally.

Recharging relationally will super-charge you and move you forward. Look around and check for these six types of people to see that you have all six. Identify people in all six areas so when the time comes you will be ready to make a call or go see one of them. There can be multiple people in each area, but one will probably surface as the primary one. If you are a Christ follower then you may be asking where Jesus is in my list. If you are a Christ follower, Christ will be first and foremost and can satisfy all the needs you have in all six areas. Jesus spoke this truth in the book of Matthew, chapter 11, verse 28-29: “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

If you are reading this article and feeling overwhelmed with something in life or think you have no one to turn to in weary times, remember first that Christ is there waiting for you to turn to Him. He will direct you to the right person in one of the six types of people you need here on earth. Now you know where there is recharging here on earth plus recharging for our faith through Christ. Start making your list today and be ready to be charged relationally. Get fully charged and make some fun life videos! 

Comments? Do you have all six?