Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mama Said There Would Be days Like This

Have you ever had a day when nothing seemed to go right or your way? Bills are piling up; the car needs repairs and you feel like nothing good is going your way. It goes right along to the words of the song, “Mama told me there would days like this”! There was a time in my life that I didn’t think I would make it through another day without streaming from so much stress and anxiety. I felt I just could not get ahead in life. When our three kids were small, I was self employed trying to get a new business start off the ground. I worked almost 7 days a week with long hot days. We lived in a small rent house where the air conditioning barley cooled the house, no fenced yard and a dog, and purple carpet to boot. I drove a small Chevy truck with standard transmission and drove all over Dallas and Forth Worth all day in traffic. One day I counted how many times I shifted; it was almost five hundred. I must admit there were days that I could just not find anything to be thankful for and ended up miserable and the constant complainer about life. Do any of your days feel like this?

Our human tendency is to compare ourselves with those around us just to prove how bad we have it. Why do others have it so much better than me? We think there is this high standard of living that we should all have and enjoy. Yet, many times we fall short. I remember my youngest son asking me one day, “Dad, are we poor”? After some thought, I responded to his inquisitive question, it all depends on who you are comparing us to. If you compare us to the president of the United States, then yes, we may look poor. If you compare us to a homeless person then we look rich.

The key is giving thanks to whom it belongs and for all the blessings you already have. In Psalm 9.1 the writer states, “I will give thanks to you, o Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds”. It is not hard to find thankfulness in the Bible. Try reading any book of Psalms and you will hear the words give thanks. It is not about you anyway, it is all about the Lord working in your life all around you. The challenge is we get so tied up in ourselves and why things are not going right, that we forget our heavenly father is there waiting to hear the words, thank you.

Trust me, the best way I have found to combat those days when I feel like nothing is going my way and everything is pilling up on my shoulders, is to stop, look around, and see his blessings. Count your blessings and what you do have and what is going your way, instead of the opposite. Sometimes I find a quiet chair in the house and just sit and look around. I begin seeing things to be thankful for and begin seeing things that are good. Thank you, Lord, for this house, the furniture we have, air conditioning, running water, electricity, the car in the garage, the roof over my head, the clothes in my closet, the money in my wallet, the beautiful day outside, my church, my friends, my job, health, my wife,  my family, the dog, and on and on. I see it all so clearly now that I am thankful. I begin asking why do I deserve all this? Why am I so blessed? 

My best days at home, at work and at church on Sundays is when I find myself saying “thank you” to people. Saying and hearing those words every chance I get all day, keeps away my stress and anxiety. You see, worship begins with thank you! Thank you, Lord.
