The first day of the new year is the perfect day to dream big. I’m not talking about New Year resolutions that most people don’t follow through with anyway. Ask yourself this question; what do I need to change, add, or delete in my life? If you’re like me, you could probably come up with a list of things, but as you make your list, be on the lookout for one that’s BIG.
Which one stands out the most to you? Which one have you always wanted to do but haven’t? Which one would be awesome, but seems way too big for you? That’s the big dream!
Big dreams are the ones that seem so big they are impossible
to accomplish. They are bigger than you and even your friends and family would roll
their eyes if you told them your dream.
The movie A Million Miles Away portrays the true story of Jose Hernandez who as a kid dreamed of being an astronaut. He was the son of a migrant who worked in California and didn’t learn to speak English until he was 12. Long story short he studied long and hard and became an engineer and then applied to NASA 11 times before he was accepted and joined the crew on the STS 28 NASA flight to space.
To dream big goes beyond contentment. You may look at your list and be content with just making a few changes in your life. Or you may be thinking I'm too old to dream big now.
Colonel Harland Sanders was 63 years old when he franchised his secret recipe for fried chicken becoming known as Kentucky Fried Chicken
However, contentment doesn’t build big dreams! Don’t hear me say that contentment is a bad thing. It’s not! Think about people who are always complaining about what they don’t have or what they can’t do but never make a change. If they were just content with what they did have or can do, they would be much better off. Right? I’m just saying that dreaming big is, well, something you may be missing out on.
There is non-contentment, contentment, and dreamers. It’s interesting to me that the first one is being unsatisfied, the second one is being satisfied, and the third one is being unsatisfied again!
Back to your list… you're going to make one, aren’t you? Start with something new and different. What would you change, add, or delete in your life that will make it better to improve your life? If there is a big dream in there somewhere then go for it. Write your list down, take action, and get started!
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