This may sound funny coming from a church administrator because we seem to live in paper but...I would love to go paperless someday! At least that's what I have been saying for years. After a recent post on my Facebook page asking where all this paper comes from, it seems to be that it comes from, well, ME! I print everything and every email that I read that needs my attention. I have forms for everything but forms is what keeps us organized and flowing right? RIGHT?
A few years ago, while I was in a staff meeting, I looked around the room and all the ministers were on their phones. I still had a flip phone then. Don't judge me please! Soon after that I arrived to the 21st century and purchased an android phone. I still got scrutinized for now being the only one without an I Phone. So, I decided to do a paperless staff meeting. The day before the meeting, I emailed all the files that we were going to look at, even the calendar for the next two weeks. I printed no paper and came to the meeting with just my phone and instructed the others to do the same. The meeting started and we all got out our phones and went to town. I discovered something to my advantage very quickly. My android could retrieve Word and Excel files but the I Phone could not. I loved it! The meeting went well except we had a hard time seeing all the details on our phones in the files I sent.
Long story short we did the meeting paperless but it did not last long. Soon we got back to paper agendas and calendars and notes. I have come to learn that I will always live with paper to some degree and will have to get over the futuristic fact that paper will never go away. In fact a good friend of mine reminded me that PAPER IS NOT DEAD by sending me this funny video. While you are here take a few minutes and watch the video below. If you like this blog post and want to share it, just print it out and hand it to someone.
Are you paperless? Comments? Discussion?
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