I was a sophomore in high school in 1971 and the summer
before I started school I passed Drivers Ed and got my driver’s license. Little
did I know at that time, it was the start of twenty three years working side by
side with my dad! Our family owned a retail auto parts store in Corpus Christi,
Texas. Dad sold auto parts for as long as I can remember growing up. At one
point in our family history, my entire family worked at the retail store: my dad
and mom, my two sisters, my brother, and now myself. You see, as soon as I got
my driver’s license, my dad put me to work driving the delivery truck for the
auto parts store. I worked every Saturday during the school year, then all week
during the summer.
He was amazing at customer service and taught me that more
than anything else. Almost every customer that came in the store knew my dad by
name and would buy some parts, then chat with dad for a few minutes. His sales
philosophy was “never lose a sale”. He went to great lengths to find the right
part to fill every order. If we didn’t have it there on hand, he would always
offer to locate the part and have it for pick up later that day. Employee
turnover in the parts store was very low because my father was the best boss
ever. I heard that over and over and witnessed it firsthand. Dad was a hand- on
business owner and did all the ordering, worked the sales counter, and handled
the general business operations.
We had a great routine that we performed daily for ten
years. Dad would get the coffee going and open the back warehouse up and I
would count the money from the day before and get the change drawer ready for
the new day. At opening time he would flip on all the lights up front and would
unlock the front door. Ready for business! At closing I got to lock the front
door, he flipped off all the lights, and turned the coffee pot off, and would
pull the money and hide it in the parts bin somewhere until the next morning’s
counting. We did the same thing like that for ten years together! We worked side
by side from 1971 until 1981 when my father decided to sell the parts store and
retire. That was a very emotional time for him and my mom and me. That’s all we
knew and was our lively hood for so many years.
Dad retired and we sold the parts store and all moved from
Corpus to Arlington, Texas. My brother and his family lived there and we loved
the climate and the different terrain from the beach we knew so well. I started
my own business from that point. During the first several years in my new
business, selling auto parts of course, my business grew exponentially. I
needed help and where else would I find the right person…but my dad. In a flash
he was there working for me now and we were selling parts together again only
this time we sold wholesale to garages and dealers. We were a great team and I
was utilizing the skills my dad had taught me as a young man. We worked another
5 years together until I sold my business to follow Gods call on my life into
full time ministry. My dad once again retired and in 1986 I started seminary in
Fort Worth, Texas.
It’s now been
fourteen years since my dad passed away and yet the memories of him are as
vivid as ever. Why is that? I believe that my dad instilled into me that family
is so important. It’s not about what you can get in life; it’s about what you
can give. My dad would literally give the shirt off his back if you needed it. He invested in family and made that his
priority. Those vivid memories I still have are of all the family vacations we
took all over the place, all the family reunions we attended, all the barbeques
in the back yard my dad cooked, all the games we played together, and all the
house projects we did together and how he taught me handy man skills. He knew I
would get in trouble at times growing up and when I messed up, he disciplined
me then loved me through it. He knew when I was broke and would always slide me
a $20 or $50 bill from the hidden place in his wallet. Those are the dad things
that build vivid memories that last for eternity.
Although this article is about my dad and me, my mom was just as important in
our family and the same holds true for me today. My wife is a critical in our
Fast forward to the 90’s! We were raising three great kids
during that time. Little did they know that I was doing the same things the way
my dad raised me and they turned out to be three of the most respectful Christian
adults you can be around. As my kids grew up we took family vacations all over
the place, we attended family reunions together, we barbequed in the backyard
all the time, we played games and cards at home a lot, and watched endless
movies together as a family. When my kids were broke I would slip them some
cash from my wallet just like my dad did, when they got in trouble they got
disciplined but then we loved them through it all, and we knew they would mess
up so we just prepared ourselves as parents.
Fast forward to 2005-2014! Two of our three kids have kids
of their own and are raising them the same way my dad raised me and we raised
them. They do lots of family vacations, watch movies together, go to the park,
grill in the backyard, and make family a high priority. What a legacy my dad
started back in the 60’s as I was growing up. He made family a priority, I made
family a priority, and now my kids are making family a priority! I can only
assume that my dad’s dad did the same thing with him growing up.
I greatly miss not having my dad here with me coaching me
along life’s journey. If I had one more time with him I would tell him, “Dad,
you raised me so well. My childhood was fun because of you. I became a
businessman just like you taught me. Dad, I slipped my kids some cash when they
were broke just like you did to me. I see now why you did it when their face
lights up. And Dad, I took my family on long vacations just like you did with
me and our family. Dad, my grandkids call me PaPa just like you were named by
your grand kids. Dad, thank you for working with me side by side for 20+ years
teaching me to be the man I am today. I miss you dad!”
If you are a dad, please know that you are so important in
your family and can make a huge difference in leaving a lasting family legacy.
If you are a dad and estranged from your family, start the reconciliation
process today. If you are a dad and family is not a priority, you can change
that today by removing those things that hinder you from being dad. Whatever it
takes, be the dad.
Rick Cadden
Associate Pastor of Administration and Operations
Columbus Avenue Baptist Church
Associate Pastor of Administration and Operations
Columbus Avenue Baptist Church
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