I am amazed that a retail food establishment can offer horrible service and people still eat there. Ask any of my colleagues where my favorite place to eat is and they will respond Jason's Deli. Why? Their service is always good and the food is always good and they are so friendly and you get free ice cream with every meal. There are no stupid rules and stipulations! Just order, eat, and enjoy.
When I find a great place to eat, I am their most faithful fan. When Freebirds opened in Waco I tried it, and it was awesome. Loud music from my past, the buzz of people packed in, great food, and great price and they even have a point card you can earn free meals with. I have eaten there dozens of times since they opened and being a man of habit, I have ordered the same exact thing at every visit. Yep! I do that all over at places I eat at. So at Freebirds I have only ordered the two taco meal with chips, queso, and drink. I order the two tacos with all the same ingredients, I always upgrade to queso, and I drink Pepsi...every time. The points card...a no brainer! Just keep it with you and at every visit you earn points. Keep in mind I always ordered the two taco meal for $5 and rack up points.
So one day not long ago I chose Freebirds for lunch and who changed the menu? The two taco meal is gone and there is a one taco plate, make it a meal, and it now costs $7. I was not happy but begrudgingly still ordered my taco meal, now only one, upgraded to the chips and queso, and drank a Pepsi. Not a happy camper but oh well I can suck it up. I handed my point card to the check out girl and she informs me that now the point card does not work for the taco meal, only the burritos. She says I have 12 points though and on my next visit I will get a free meal. So I racked up all the points eating the two taco meal but now the point redemption does not apply to the taco meal anymore.
Today, knowing that information, I chose Freebirds again and this time, for the very first time since they have been open here, I ordered a Freebird burrito. Are you shocked? Of course I got all the same ingredients I get with the tacos but now in a burrito. At the end of the counter the guy is rolling my burrito and it is so full he can't get the tortilla to close. He struggles and then quickly wraps it in foil before it burst all over the basket. Im looking at the guy like how would anyone actually pick that up and eat it. I broke out of my mold just this once and did not order the chips and queso and just added a drink. I proceeded to check out and handed the girl my points card and she says I have a free meal today. DUH! Thats why I came in today and ordered the burrito knowing I could not redeem my points for a taco meal. She then says that will be $2.44. I thought the meal was free today. It only applies to the burrito and not the drink she says. Are you kidding me?
That my friend is why Freebirds is not at the bottom of my list of places to eat. Can a guy just get some good service and good food without so many rules; you can't to this and you can't do that!
What do you think? Should I not be so harsh? Should I not expect excellent customer service and not so many rules? Your comments?
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