Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Avoiding Cyber Fraud

That's a big topic today being there is so much of that happening in the cyber world of on-line everything. What is amazing is the fact that with so much fraud in the system, we keep moving further and deeper into internet life. I have to admit I am one of those! I find my self enjoying the ease of Amazon one-click ordering from my cell phone and using debit cards more and more. However, I am moving in the direction of this cyber mentality with greater fear every day as we here reports of internet hacking. Just this week Target Retail announced their system was hacked and thousands of credit card holders info was stolen. So, what are we supposed to do? here are a few ways you can avoid fraud. Note the word choice of my word "avoid" and not eliminate!

1. Never let go of your debit / credit card. I mean when you shop and use plastic do not let it leave your sight. This will be especially hard when eating at a restaurant. I'll cover that a little later in this article. What could happen when your card leaves your sight? Some are taking pictures with a cell phone of the front and back of the card and then using that for making fake cards or just having your info to use or selling the info. Your 3 digit code, name, and card number is someones hands now. Some are using the cards in their hands for purchasing on the spot from their cell phone. The fact is when the card is not in your sight, you do not know how its being used.

2. Don't use credit cards anymore. I know that sounds crazy but Dave Ramsey says only use cash or debit. In response to the restaurant question above, I always pay with cash so I don't have to allow my debit card to leave my sight when eating out. Using cash eliminates the chance of fraud at restaurants. It also helps you budget and not overspend.

3. Only use a couple cards. Yes that's right, I do not have or use credit cards. the fact is, the more of those you have the increased chance of fraud may happen. You are just giving the hackers more to hack by having multiple credit cards. I use two debit cards. One for daily use like at the gas station and the grocery store; places I know and trust. The other one I use for on-line ordering. I keep a small balance in that account so if hacked, the lose is less. That's it! Just two chances of my plastic being stolen.

Ok! There is plenty more ways to avoid fraud but these are quick and easy steps you can take now. If you feel your cards have been used all over the internet too much, then call and cancel your card and request a new one. then protect the new one and use the 3 steps described here.

Comments? Discussion? Ways you avoid fraud?


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