Thursday, January 26, 2017

How Do You Communicate?

Learning how people communicate at the office can save you a lot of grief and understanding that effective communication is critical to any team. Many times, when things go wrong with a project at work, it can be traced back to a lack of communication. It can also cause you grief in your relationships at the office and at home. Let’s face it, any lack of communication can affect the outcome negatively. Here is a perfect example. Let’s say you are working trying to help someone in your office that was going through some personal issues and you were trying to mentor and encourage them. You emailed several times over the course of a few days but the person never responded to you. You see them in the office at maybe at a meeting but they never acknowledge your emails. Finally, after several email attempts and no response you catch the person in their office and ask why they have not responded to your offer to help them. They apologize and tell you that they do not email much and rarely check their inbox. However, they do inform you that the best way to communicate is by text message. Clearly a communication breakdown simple because of their preferred method. 

Now go back to by opening comment about learning how people communicate. In an office setting where you need to communicate with many to get things done, ask how they best communicate. What is their preferred way that will get you a timely response? Today there is text messaging, email, sticky notes, Facebook, a phone call, or in person face to face. Any of these can work. Had I asked that person ahead of time what their best way to communicate was, I would have been able to better help and get my message across. 

Understand that you may have a preferred way to communicate but that does not mean it’s the best way for everyone you work with. Learn the best method for each person in your office and enhance your communication greatly. Be flexible and as a leader be the one to establish communication methods up front. 

Comments? What is your best communication method?

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