Saturday, January 28, 2017

Make Team Building Affordable

I am a team builder and I am always looking for new and creative ways to build relationships within the team. While leading a church staff of over 25, I sensed a great need for a way to get us all together in a casual atmosphere, away from the office. I noticed that we were in meetings at the church so much and comments from the team members were they were tired of so many meetings. I also noticed the administrative assistants were frustrated at not being included around the office in staff lunches and impromptu and random gatherings. What we needed was something that would build the team as a whole.

I wanted to create something that everyone could attend, was affordable for everyone, and was casual and not structured. I called it the "All Staff $5 Lunch". We chose the first Tuesday of the month and selected a local restaurant. The whole team was invited via email and all it cost them was $5. Each person paid in $5 and the church covered the rest, within reason. With most lunches costing around $10, the church basically covered the other. It was a hit! The goal was 100% attendance but that was unrealistic. We settled for whoever could make it that month and enjoyed great casual fellowship away from the office.

There were no expectations from the team, just show up when you can and enjoy each other. We chose a new place to each each month and would try and choose a new restaurant when possible. The team loved it since they knew there cost was always going to be just $5 no matter where we ate. We carpooled each month and added that fellowship aspect as well. The event quickly became a staple in our team building strategy and was looked forward to by all. I can assure you this; if I ever forgot to line up a place and send the email, I was quickly reminded a few days before.

The idea mushroomed into more; whenever a new team member joined us or when a team member left, someone called "All Staff Lunch". You just can't go wrong with this team builder.

Comments? Suggestions? Have you tired this before?

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