Business Administrators, try these to start your day better.
Depending on how you are wired, you may be like me and start your day fast and furious as soon as you get in your office. Your "to do" list grew over night and by the time you get to work, your off and running. There are days you get a phone call before you leave the house that one of your staff are out sick and now you are feeling behind before you even start. Does this sound like you?
Before you get that overwhelmed feeling of a crazy schedule for the day, try doing these three things. Make them your daily routine before you get into your office and get start. I know your rushed some days and feel you don't have time to do any of these. Trust me! You have time or can make the time and they will help you greatly to start your day off not feeling better even on those hectic start days.
1. As you arrive to the church, drive around the perimeter of the campus. This will take around 5- 10 minutes depending on the size of your campus. Drive slow and notice things that need attention. Drive through the parking lots and around buildings and behind buildings. Make a route and then make it a routine every day. The outside of your campus doesn't always get the close look it needs. Your busy schedule keeps you in the office area and in meetings most the day. This allows you a few minutes every day to check the outside as you drive around making mental notes.
2. Once inside the building, do not go directly to your office. Take a walk around the complex down common areas, large spaces like the Worship Center, Fellowship Hall, the Chapel, and other often used spaces. Look for things out of place or needing attention. Don't rush, make it a casual walk checking things out and making mental notes again. Just take 5-10 minutes for a walk through.
3. Its not office time just yet! I know you are chomping at the bit to get in there are start your hectic day. Take the next few minutes walking to each of your staff team members office and saying hello. Ask how they are doing and if you can help them with anything. If it is Monday , maybe ask how their weekend went. If you sense a need, take a minute and pray with them. This is one of THE best ways to add value to your team. They feel important and valued that you took time to stop by and acknowledge them. Now their day just started out better!
Do these without fail every day of the week and see what a huge difference it will make in your day and the days of your team members. Now you can go to your office and start. It will wait on you to do these three things. Now you are are not so rushed and can think more clearly to get started.
Comments? Suggestions? Just do it!
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