Tuesday, June 20, 2017

5 Powerful Ways to Say Thank You

While I firmly believe that  saying thank you in person is the best way, sometimes a simple card in the mail to someone is powerful. People love to receive gifts, have someone compliment them, or be acknowledged for something they did. That adds value and goes a long way in building relationships.

That's why I started something that has proven to be powerful in saying thank you. Every Monday at the office, I think back on the week before and  remember things I noticed people did to serve others or help out around the church. I load up on simple thank you cards and kept a stock on hand for this. I simply write a hand written personal thank you to 5 people that I saw serve or help.

Once I sent a card to a small child that I noticed helping his dad take up the Sunday offering. The dad was just training up his child and letting him help out that day. It was a simple task but one I thought should be acknowledged. So, that following Monday, he was one of the 5 cards I sent out that week. A few days later, his mom posted the card on her Facebook page thanking ME for sending that thank you card to her son. The child was so excited to get a card in the mail and much more that it was to thank him for serving with dad. What a blessing for me to see his response.

Every Monday, while at the office, I take some time to think of 5 people that served or helped around church that week and I send them a hand written thank you. I keep a list of who I mail to so I don't keep sending the same people cards over and over. It takes just 15 minutes of my day and the reward for me is the opportunity to thank people. If you look around and be cognitive of your surroundings, you will see them. They are people that serve and help without even realizing it. Those 5 thank you cards will become powerful ways to thank others.

Comments? Suggestions? 

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