Tuesday, October 29, 2013

That Pesky Predictive Text Thing

We all use it because its makes us fast when texting. It thinks for us and always enters just the right word for us. It seems to know just what we are thinking and changes our misspelled words so we look good. Right? Wrong!

Here is an actual text message I sent to our staff of ministers at church after making hospital visits. We are all asked to send a message around after we make the rounds at the hospitals so the others are informed for their visits. So I simply did just that and sent this message recently after three visits. (the names have been changed to protect the innocent)

"Prayed with Bill, surgery went well, just recovering now. Prayed with Cindy they found the blockage and she is doing much better. Steve was in the shower so i kissed him."

I did just as you have and saw the incorrect wording just as I sent the message. NOoooooo! Wait! Rats it's already gone. Of course my quick next text message to the staff was " I meant to say I MISSED him" (dumb predictive text)

Some responses I received:

  • You bring a new level to hospital visits, I have never kissed anyone in the hospital.
  • You kissed him in the shower? I don't think I needed to know that.
  • That is the best one I have seen recently.
  • Wow! Thanks for letting us know that.

Needless to say I have a new reputation for making my hospital visits very personal and meaningful to the patients. So, there you have it straight from the horses mouth.

Comments! Discussion!

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